The universality of multi-layer HDI boards

  • Printed circuit board pcb fabrication is a structural component composed of insulating materials and wire wiring. In the final product, integrated circuits, transistors, diodes, passive components (such as resistors, capacitors, connectors, etc.) and various other electronic components will be mounted on it. Through the wire connection, the connection and function of the electronic signal can be formed. Therefore, the printed circuit board is a platform to provide component connection, which is used to bear the base of connecting components.

    Because the printed circuit board is not a general end product, the definition of its name is a bit confusing. For example, the motherboard of a personal computer is called a motherboard, not a circuit board. Although there are circuit boards on the motherboard, they are not the same. Therefore, when evaluating industries, they are related, but not the same. Another example: Because the components of integrated circuits are all mounted on circuit boards, news media call them IC boards, but they are not essentially equivalent to pcb circuit boards.

    As electronic products tend to be multi-functional and complex, the contact distance of integrated circuit components will be shortened, the signal transmission speed will be relatively increased, and then the number of wiring will increase, and the length of the wiring between points will be locally shortened, which requires the application of high-density line structures and Microporous technology is used to achieve this goal. The wiring and jumper of single-sided and double-sided boards are basically difficult to achieve. Therefore, circuit boards will tend to be multilayered. As the number of signal lines increases, the design requires more power and ground planes. All of these have made multilayer HDI PCB circuit boards more common.