Burning Crusade is still a fun game to play in 2021, according

  • Classic World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is the most popular game right now, and the "Dark Portal" was only opened a month ago, on June 3rd, and WoW Classic was "transitioned" to WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade on June 3rd, respectively. All players were offered the option of remaining on the original World of Warcraft Classic Era or migrating to the expansion's Burning Crusade Era on the same servers, with the former being the default option. Approximately 99 percent of the high-level characters have already made the transition to the new server. In spite of this, it appears that WoW TBC Classic continues to benefit from its status as a WoW Shadowlands / retail alternative. Here are five reasons why playing Classic is still more enjoyable than playing Shadowlands.


    1. Community - A stronger sense of belonging and a stronger sense of belonging
    “We are all in this together” is still the common ethos among players in TBC, as opposed to Shadowlands, where it was in Classic. Back in the day, it was this aspect of the game that made it so popular; it was the means by which new friendships were formed, with players banding together in the open world to perform difficult chores and missions, and staying together for hours at a time.


    2. The Importance of "Drops"

    The loot drops are significant in the long run. Every item is valuable and has the potential to significantly improve your character's abilities to tank, heal, or do damage. Epics are truly epic, and because they are more difficult to obtain than in retail Shadowlands, they are extremely valuable to every player. Even the greens are considered valuable because they can have excellent stats and provide a significant boost to your leveling, and because their drop rate has increased in Outlands, they have become a veritable cash mine. Potions are highly sought after and treasured, with the understanding that they can save your life at the last minute.


    3. Have a lot of WOW Classic gold
    Gold has lost its worth as a result of the most recent retail expansions. It only takes a few of hours, and when you're done, you'll have more than $100,000 in gold coins in your rucksack. This is not the case in Classic! The majority of people carry a few or a dozen gold coins in their backpacks, and they are perfectly content with this situation. Gold mining is a difficult endeavor. With the exception of a few gamers that have thousands of dollars in their bank accounts despite acquiring the fast-speed flying mount. That is, until you obtaining World of Warcraft Classic gold.


    4. Play the game at a slower pace.
    Or, to put it another way, at the appropriate pace. Exploring the wide world has become increasingly difficult in the game with the Cataclysm and the addition of flying points every hundred yards. That's something we have in both Classic and TBC. Especially if you don't have access to a high-speed mount. Identifying the zones and enemies that must be defeated in order to complete the quest. Even the most basic farming may be pleasurable.


    5. Every step in the character's development feels significant, and it is, in every sense of the word. The development of levels is as follows: 58-62, 62-65, 65-68, 68-70. Progression in the form of mounts and reputation. Gear progression, from greens to blues, and ultimately epics to the second spec you've been lusting after is here. Because of the difficulty of the game and the slower pace, it genuinely seems meaningful and worthy of celebration.


    6. Danger lurks around every corner. Almost anywhere is a possibility.
    Unless you decide to take on Mythic+ Dungeons, the real feel of the game in Shadowlands is simple and straightforward. This is not the case in TBC and Classic. When dealing with a simple mob, you may find yourself sprinting from the nearest graveyard to your character's corpse on a regular basis if you aren't paying attention.