Rocket League Items and some challenges were part of season

  • Among the new releases we mentioned earlier, is the newly crowned king of the charts - Spyro Reignited Trilogy that dethroned Red Dead Redemption 2, which is now hanging in #2 spot. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 dropped five spots and is now on #7, behind the aforementioned two games as well as FIFA 19, Fallout 76 and the new Pokemon releases - Let's Go Eevee and Let's Go Pikachu.

    Fallout 76 also debuted in the same week and the sales are obviously not stellar, since it kicked off in #3 spot. Viewership on popular streaming platforms is drastically down and it's hard to imagine it will suddenly start selling like hotcakes.On the bright side for Bethesda, their asset flip seems to fare better than Konami's since Metal Gear Survive started off in #6 spot on the week of its release. Come to think of it, the latter seems like the superior asset flip between the two as it had barely any bugs, was stable, had equally dumb AI and was cheaper. Yet, it was hated almost universally, while Fallout 76 is still getting love from hardcore fans.

    Week eight of Fortnite Battle Royale challenges have arrived and immediately upon setting eyes on some of these, you may feel that you’ve already done most of these before. A large portion of the list are challenges we’ve already seen plenty of times throughout season six, Rocket League Items and some challenges were part of season five, brought over to season six and not modified in any way. Completing four of the seven challenges will reward players with 8,000 XP and yet another loading screen. Presented to you are the seven challenges of week eight of season six of Fortnite Battle Royale.