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KeySmart Nano Torch Twist review (updated)

    • 3359 posts
    October 27, 2022 10:41 PM EDT

    The KeySmart Nano Torch Twist is a high quality aircraft-grade aluminum swivel-head 600 lumen flashlight that ships with a rechargeable AA battery and has a magnet to secure the flashlight for optimal lighting positioning.Get more news about Keysmart Torch,you can vist our website!

    I’ve been playing with it putting it against my trusty 97 lumen mini Maglite for a couple of days and unless something pops up, here’s what we’ve got:

    It’s extremely bright, but a fairly narrow beam. Pretty much the same aperture as my Maglite but more intense.

    Learning to use it is a little bit of a curve. It’s a two seconds press to turn it on. Single quick press after it’s on to cycle brightness between low, medium, and 600 lumen eye hurting power.They’ve included a map that also appears to indicate that you can also press two seconds to get to strobe and SOS mode. For those I’ve found that I have to press two seconds to turn on, then press and hold for maybe 4 seconds more for it to power off and then cycle into the hidden modes.

    There’s also a five second lock press for the times when you think you’ll somehow trigger it with a two second push but not any longer. To disable that just press for five seconds.

    The head can swivel 90 degrees and the light is balanced well enough and has a flat enough back that you can put it on a table and probably aim light wherever you want. The swivel is machined well enough that I was unable to get my skin caught in it while I was actively trying to get my skin caught in it. This is a beef I had with an ex-light of mine.
    There are three things I do not like about this. The first being that it comes with a belt clip and not a belt holster. The position of the clip means the flashlight can’t hang with most of the body down. Personal preference for me is that no lights can be bent into by gut or side gut.

    The second thing I don’t like is that jostling the Nano Torch Twist can turn it off. This means if you drop your flashlight while running from Old Man Smithers who’s wearing a zombie mask to scare away customers and close down the park so that he can work a deal with developers, you’re going to have to trust that your canine friend can find the dropped flashlight in the dark.I’m able to have it shut off about once every six drops from standing. It’s always when it lands on the head or the tail, never on its side.

    The awesome memory features comes in as my third complaint. It remembers the last setting on the low, med, high. The next time you turn it on it’ll be at that setting. For me this resulted in expecting low and getting high a couple of times which may not sound like much but when you’re crawling around under a desk and expecting ~200 lumens and you get 600 it’s not pleasant.