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The Perfect Tactical Helmet Setup

    • 3359 posts
    November 13, 2022 11:15 PM EST

    Head protection has been an integral part of combat since the days people first realized the importance of the ol' brain housing group. Soldiers have been mounting accessories on their helmets for nearly just as long, some for use in warfare, others for luck or morale.To get more news about bullet proof zone, you can visit official website.

    Today, the tactical helmet is key equipment for law enforcement, military, and even certain civilians. Just as before, not only do helmets protect the head, they're also used to mount gear vital to a mission's success.In this latest addition to the Bulletproof Zone guide collection, we're explaining the different accessories you can add to tac headgear. We'll also suggest ways to set up your tactical helmet based on the type you're using and your purpose for wearing it, with examples from real experts in the field.

    Tactical helmets are a fascinating study in military gear development. Helmet designers and manufacturers constantly work to fix less than ideal features of the previous iteration of headgear.
    The hallmarks of the most current helmet models are lighter weight and better compatibility with modern communications equipment.

    Notice the shape of the PASGT helmet in the chart above. It covers a much wider area compared to the other newer headgear. But the PASGT is also heavier and its ear zone tighter, making it more uncomfortable to wear certain accessories like ear pro headsets with them.

    So always keep in mind that what kind of helmet you have can impact your setup--either the installation/attaching of accessories or the experience of wearing your fully-rigged gear.Bump helmets may be useless against bullets, but they're respectable pieces of PPE in their own right, protecting against bumps and falls while providing the ability to mount night vision and other gear.

    They're also relatively cheap compared to ballistic helmets, and they're definitely lighter. Some even come with a built-in NVG shroud like the Chase Tactical Lightweight Non-Ballistic Bump Helmet below.
    One of the first lessons in helmet setup is that there's no single one-size-fits-all way to do it. The type of headgear you wear and what equipment you mount to it depends on a number of factors, the main ones being:

    You and your team's anticipated threats: Some tac helmets are tested to be bullet resistant, while others are not.

    The needs of your team's mission: If you're working in darkness, you'll likely need lights and night vision. If the mission calls for broadcasting or recording, you'll need a camera. Maybe you need a multicam helmet cover for camouflage and mounting.

    The way a helmet fits on your head with the necessary equipment mounted to it. Sometimes you have to play around with padding, chin strap, etc. to get the right fit with your accessories attached.