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Best road bike mirrors 2022

    • 3359 posts
    November 21, 2022 9:08 PM EST

    Quality road bike mirrors on your handlebars or helmet can be a trusty companion, helping you to stay safe while navigating busy roads.To get more news about ebike mirrors, you can visit official website.

    Removing the need to peer over your shoulder to see what's coming from behind, a mirror allows you instead to remain looking forward and might help you feel safer as you ride.
    Although more common amongst those riding the best commuter bikes or touring bikes – who are typically happier to load up in the name of safety and practicality – mirrors can also be a handy addition for riders going on training rides. It's even a top recommendation for time trialists, helping them to keep their position as they race.

    A bike mirror allows you to keep track of approaching traffic and therefore it can make completing interval sets easier. You can focus on the road ahead and the data targets displayed on your cycling computer, while staying tucked in an optimal riding position.
    What might come as a surprise to some is that road bike mirrors do not have to be bulky, unsightly devices. In fact, they can be pretty small and slick looking, while adding minimal weight to your bike.

    We have split up our pick of the best bike mirrors by their style of mounting mechanism. Picking between these will depend on what view you prefer, the purpose of your riding (commute, leisure or training), the length of your rides and where you sit on the line between size of view and size of accessory.This neat, round, highly adjustable mirror fits into your bar end on either flat or drop bar bike keeping it nicely out the way of everything else.

    Whilst it's quite small compared to some of the other mirrors we tested, the curved glassed surface gives an excellent view behind – much better than some of the other larger mirrors that we tried. We particularly liked it on drop bars where it gave a really useful long view behind.

    Fitting is easy with a supplied 3mm hex key to operate the expanding bolt system. Adjustment is via a ball-and-socket type joint and is easy to do even when riding. Although easy to adjust, the joint is nice and tight and we didn’t have any issues on testing with the mirror moving out of position.

    On one occasion we did manage to give the mirror a good thump whilst parking the bike and the ball and socket joint popped apart. But it was easy to reattach and has been fine since.Compared with many other mirrors of a similar size, the Zefal Spin 15 is rectangular shaped rather than round. This has a key advantage of maximising the view you get of the width of the road and so you are able to see more lanes of traffic behind which is improved further with the curvature of the mirror.

    The Spin fits into the end of your bars with an expanding plug and flat screw driver fitting which has held well. There are two rotating joints and a 180° elbow for orientating the mirror and we’ve had no trouble getting a good view on different drop bar bikes. This design also allows the mirror to be folded up out the way when you’re not riding, which is useful as otherwise it’s easy to catch on a wall or gateway.The Blackburn Mutli-Mirror is the same size and design as a couple of the handlebar mirrors we tested, which means you get a much bigger view without fouling you brake hoods and affecting your grip.

    The plug end fitting has a knob to tighten so you don’t need tools and there are rotating and folding joints so you can adjust and fold out the way which you’ll want to do when you’re not riding.

    Whilst the mirror gives a big view of what’s behind the downside is the bar-end plug doesn’t expand much. As a result the mirror worked loose and fell out our tester’s bars on a couple of occasions and met its demise as a car’s wheels reached it before they did (and before we got a riding photo too).