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Body Armor Vest Protection For Journalists

    • 3359 posts
    January 11, 2023 1:04 AM EST

    Body Armor Vest Protection For Journalists

    With violent crime and murder skyrocketing in cities across the country, it goes without saying that our brave Police Officers and first responders are on the front lines putting their lives on the line every single day. However there is another group of individuals who are often finding themselves in the line of fire among the chaos; reporters. To get more news about bulletproof zone, you can visit official website.

    In the past year, as riots, burning, looting and violence has spread across our nation, there have been countless incidents of journalists and their camera crews being caught in the crossfire. These individuals are not armed, have no training and are not issued any sort of protection before being sent out into the field. That's why so many reporters, journalists and cameramen are now taking it upon themselves to get the protection they need to survive their assignments: body armor.

    Many of the reporters I have spoken with over this past year have told me that getting body armor is totally up to them. Their employers do not provide it nor do they cover the cost of it. Thus these men and women were coming in on their own accord to get themselves fitted for body armor before going out on assignment. Based on the violence they were going to report on, they didn't want to become a statistic while trying to do their job.

    The reporters that came into our store in NYC advised that they chose 221B because of our wide selection of body armor and carriers. Specifically, our Phantom Plate Carrier which is truly designed for civilian use. It's lightweight, breathable, easy to get on and off and, most importantly, doesn't look like your typical military or SWAT team style plate carrier. It has a minimalist design, is low profile and easily blends in with what you are wearing. It even features velcro on the front and rear which allows reporters to affix "PRESS" patches to make those around them aware of their role and presence.

    If you're a news reporter, field correspondent, journalist or part of a camera crew for a television station, you need to protect yourself with safety equipment while on assignment. 221B offers a full line of lightweight and affordable solutions to keep you safe while on location so you can get home safe at the end of the day.