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Wild Rift Patch 3.4: New Items And Enchants

    • 3359 posts
    March 17, 2023 6:30 AM EDT

    Wild Rift Patch 3.4: New Items And Enchants

    Patch 3.4, otherwise known as Power Spike '22, is a massive update that will introduce several new features and changes to Wild Rift. We've already seen the likes of Gwen, Yone, Warwick, and Vex revealed as new champions that will be joining the currently 40-strong roster. Additionally, we've seen Riot scrap certain tiers in the Wild Pass to introduce a new item shop - the Wild Pass Emporium.To get more news about recharge wild rift, you can visit official website.

    But besides all that, Riot will also be reworking certain items and enchants to level the playing field and ensure a more balanced gameplay experience for all Wild Rift players. They will also improve both the offensive and defensive capabilities offered to players by introducing new items and enchants.

    Four new items will be introduced to Wild Rift in patch 3.4: Riftmaker, Imperial Mandate, Cosmic Drive, and Serpent's Fang. They'll be especially useful for champions who want an extra kick to their AP output.

    Riot felt that Hextech Gunblade is a rather situational item, so they've decided to introduce another AP boost item. In comes Riftmaker, a new item that will introduce a new way for AP fighters and AP mages to access vamp and bonuses for sustained battles.

    Imperial Mandate is a brand new Wild Rift mechanic that will reward mages and enchanters for interacting with their opponents. Riot will be looking to enable more aggressive play out of both mages and enchanters in the support position with this item.

    Unique passive - Coordinated Fire: Abilities that slow or immobilize a champion deal 47 - 75 (based on level) bonus magic damage and marks them for 4 seconds (6s cooldown per champion). Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional 94 - 150 (based on ally level) magic damage and granting you both 20% Move speed for 2 seconds
    Cosmic Drive is an Ability Haste AP item that has the potential to compete with AP damage items like Rabedon's Deathcap. Riot argues that Wild Rift's AP system has been lacking a strong option for picking up Ability Haste outside of early mana itemization, so the addition of Cosmic Drive will hopefully resolve this.

    Unique passive - Spellweaver: Damaging active abilities and empowered attacks on an enemy champion grant (30 + 70% Haste) movement speed decaying over two seconds. Subsequent triggers of Spellweaver from different sources refresh the buff duration and reset the movement speed value to the maximum. Each source has a one-second cooldown. Only Haste from items contributes to Spellweaver’s movement speed
    Wild Rift will introduce two new starting support items in patch 3.4: Spectral Sickle and Relic Shield. Both items will grant you up to three charges that you can use to apply lane pressure and earn extra Gold if you have an ally nearby.

    When you reach 500 Gold, both items will automatically upgrade when you are out of combat. There are up to three different versions of each of these items that they can be upgraded to.