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PERFORATOR develops automated friction welding machine

    • 3359 posts
    March 27, 2023 5:36 AM EDT

    PERFORATOR develops automated friction welding machine for drill pipes

    The summer is hot at PERFORATOR: in July the Walkenrieder company commenced production of its brand new robotic tube handling system with a friction welding machine for drill pipes.Get more news about Cuber Perforator Machine,you can vist our website!

    Automated loading and unloading
    The new installation was assembled and installed on site during the past 10 months, in close cooperation with several providers. Special features include the automated loading and unloading system made up of individual separating and conveyer systems and two robots that allow a more flexible use of the friction welding machine. Set-up and teach times have been reduced and the loading system obtains its data automatically from the controls of the welding machine. In addition, the tact times could be lowered.
    Higher flexibility, higher competitive advantage
    Thanks to its new machine, PERFORATOR is now able to produce even the largest drill pipes with friction-welding, which is more efficient than the traditional arc welding technology. Even drill pipes and augers from 40 up to 220 mm can now easily be friction welded, and also, if required, position-oriented between both cutter heads and connections.

    Besides more flexibility and shorter set-up times, these were key criteria to ensure that the company could also produce its flow of smaller and medium-sized batches more economically.

    With this investment, PERFORATOR has enhanced its competitive position, particularly in the drill pipes industry. The company continues to strengthen its market position and expand its portfolio in response to the increasing demand for drill pipes and augers.