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What are CNC machining services and what are they useful for?

    • 3359 posts
    April 18, 2023 11:28 PM EDT

    What are CNC machining services and what are they useful for?

    But what is CNC machining, exactly? What are the various types? And more so, what benefits does it offer? This post will cover everything you need about CNC machining, starting with the basics.To get more news about online cnc machining, you can visit official website.

    What is CNC Machining?
    CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) machining refers to the automation of the manufacturing process through the use of pre-programmed software and code to control the movement of production equipment. It is commonly applied in the mass production of metal and plastic parts. But how do CNC machines works?

    CNC machining services use machines that are fully automated – all they need to perform their function is digital files (programs and codes) with instructions on completing a given task.

    The manufacturing process requires a wide range of tools to finish the production of a particular part. Switching between these tools in manual machining can be relatively tiresome and monotonous.Luckily, with a CNC machine, machinists can create digital tool libraries that work hand in hand with physical equipment.

    With these pre-programmed instructions, production machinery can automatically switch tools, increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing process.

    The CNC machining process starts with the creation of a computer-aided design (CAD) of the required part. The next step is translating the design to G-code and performing test runs to ensure proper positioning and performance.
    CNC Laser Machines

    These precision machines use a highly focused laser beam to cut, engrave or slice raw materials. As the laser hits the raw material, it causes heating which leads to melting and vaporisation, leaving cuts on the surface.

    The material is often in a sheet shape, which allows the laser beam to move back and forth on the surface, making the designed cuts and shapes.

    CNC laser machines are often used to produce intricate parts, such as a company logo or name, that you can’t manufacture using lathing and milling machines.

    CNC Lathe and Turning Machines

    As the name suggests, CNC lathe and turning machines are designed to turn (rotate) materials during production. Unlike milling machines (which rotate tools and hold raw materials in place), CNC lathe and turning machines rotate the material while the cutting tools are introduced on the surface of the rotating stock.

    CNC lathe machines are used to create a wide range of internal and external features on the material, including slots, tapping threads and bores. Examples of components manufactured on CNC lathes and turning machines include bolts and screws.