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Top Sustainable Packing Trends for 2023

    • 3359 posts
    May 27, 2023 12:14 AM EDT

    Top Sustainable Packing Trends for 2023

    Did you know that the recycling target for packaging in England is 75% for paper and cardboard by 2025, and 50% for plastic by 2025? Packaging that contains a high percentage of recycled content is something we’ve seen a lot of over the past few years, and this is set to increase in light of these recycling targets.Get more news about Packaging Boxes 1 Layer,you can vist our website!

    Furthermore, businesses are consciously choosing ways to keep carbon footprints low, while still providing excellent, high quality products, and what better way to do this than cutting back on single-use packaging products? Eco-friendly recycled content options include corrugated products, bubble wrap, mailing bags and others made with 30% recycled content.
    Less is more

    Have you heard of the 3 R’s? Reduce, reuse, and recycle. ‘Reduce’ is often the most neglected of the three. The trick with getting this right when it comes to your product packaging is to ensure that all packaging used is of a high quality and can perform its intended function well.

    A great example of this is cardboard boxes. Corrugated boxes are durable, recyclable and practical. However, do you always use the appropriate size for your products? Your packaging supplier should stock a wide range of box sizes as this cuts back on unnecessary materials, as well as reducing the amount of space taken up during delivery, facilitating space and using fuel much more responsibly. This will be of increasing importance into the New Year as fuel costs remain high and customers continue to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

    Transparency across all businesses is becoming more and more important as customers rightfully want to know what brands are doing to be more sustainable. The UK public really does care; did you know that UK consumers rank reducing waste, ethical practices and reducing carbon footprints as the sustainable and ethical values they consider most important in businesses? And that doesn’t mean greenwashing and buzzwords; it means real life, practical steps to move towards a greener business model.

    A great way to highlight the steps your business is taking to improve its green credentials is to be open about the packaging you use and where it comes from. This gives the public a better understanding of your supply chain and ensures that, as a business, you are kept accountable for the measures you take and acts as a good incentive to meet your targets.

    By using packaging materials which contain recycled content from Leyland Packaging, you can confidently tell consumers where your packaging is from, and how you’re part of a responsible supply chain!