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The Benefits of Corded Vs. Cordless Window Blinds

    • 3359 posts
    June 2, 2023 1:57 AM EDT

    The Benefits of Corded Vs. Cordless Window Blinds

    With corded blinds, the horizontal slats are controlled by cords (strings) hanging along one side. They still remain a very popular window covering in homes due to their ease of use and affordability. The biggest pro for corded blinds is that they can be installed anywhere. They are especially ideal for oversized windows.Get more news about cordless blinds,you can vist our website!

    Because the cords are located on the side of the window, corded blinds can be installed on windows that are partially covered or blocked by furniture and other bulky items. This provides homeowners with a great deal of flexibility.

    Another positive point for corded blinds is that they are long-lasting. If well-maintained, corded blinds can last for decades making them a wise investment. However, should something happen, the cord can be repaired or replaced, thereby extending the life of your blinds.

    Of course, corded blinds have their negative points as well. The biggest is that they can be dangerous to small children and even pets. That’s because the looped pieces of string pose a choking risk. Kids and pets could easily get caught up in the cord which could cut off their air supply.

    50 young children were killed between 2012 and 2017, prompting the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) to institute new design standards to make corded blinds safer and prevent more tragic accidental deaths. To ensure the safety of all children, window blinds – and all window coverings for that matter – must now be either cordless or have shorter cords that children can’t reach and get tangled in. Another option is investing in motorized cordless blinds.
    Just like corded blinds, cordless blinds have their ups and downs, quite literally. One of the biggest pluses for cordless blinds is that they are super easy to operate. There are no cords to pull. All you need to do is gently push up or pull down on the base at the center of the blind. They are designed to raise and lower smoothly using a gentle touch. Making matters even easier, cordless blinds can be motorized. This allows homeowners to raise and lower them using a remote control or even a smartphone.

    Aesthetics is another benefit to cordless blinds. Since there are no dangling cords and strings, they offer a cleaner, sleeker look. Cordless blinds are also available in a variety of styles, including both horizontal and vertical, and can be made of many different types of materials. This vast selection allows you to easily select a window treatment to complement your home décor style.

    Cordless blinds do an excellent job of controlling the amount of light entering a room. For this reason, they are sought after by homeowners looking for additional privacy.

    It’s also important to point out that because there are no loose cords or strings, cordless blinds do not pose a safety threat to small children and pets. This is something to consider even if you do not have kids because investing in cordless blinds will be an excellent selling feature for your home in the future.