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New wire bending machine increases flexibility

    • 3359 posts
    June 2, 2023 10:56 PM EDT

    New wire bending machine increases flexibility
    In order to increase our capacity and thus also our delivery capability, we have chosen to invest in another wire bending machine. Through investment, we secure our opportunities for shorter lead times through greater flexibility in production.Get more news about Wire Bending Machine,you can vist our website!

    We already have three similar wire bending machines and a staff with very good knowledge of how the machines are run and how they are programmed.

    With the new wire bending machine, machine operators will be able to further develop their knowledge as some training will be carried out in connection with the installation. From the company's point of view, we see this as very positive. It is with well-trained staff and new technology that we will take on the future.
    With the BT and BMS series, the long-established company WAFIOS, based in Reutlingen, Germany, is setting new benchmarks in the production of complex bent parts and frames made of wire. Conventional areas of application are the bending of all wire elements such as those found in vehicle seats, office and upholstered furniture, but also in white goods. The machines typically produce seat insert wires, seat structure wires, zig-zag springs, lumbar supports or frame elements for shopping trolleys.

    Consistently developed over the years, the CNC dual-head bending machine BMS 50 for large wire diameters up to 10 mm recently celebrated its trade fair premiere at Wire in Düsseldorf, Germany. The BMS 50 impresses with a modular and well thought-out overall concept for high wire diameters and strengths. The economic efficiency is achieved in particular by the high machine output, which results from the interaction of various factors such as the rotating straightening system, the highly dynamic bending heads and the optimized control. On request, the machine has been equipped for the first time with the newly developed solution for in-line, double-sided chamfering of the straightened rods before the bending process. The BMS 50 can be used for the production of complicated geometries thanks to the CNC-controlled rotary gripper that features a large bending clearance and enables the bending of short center sections. High precision and quality is guaranteed by the highly dynamic, servomotor-driven rotary straightening system in interaction with intelligent software, such as iQsmartbend. As a result, the current series achieves significant increases in performance compared to the previous models, which shortens the amortization time for the system investment.

    Economic efficiency is also defined by versatility. Thanks to an additional CNC-controlled axis, BMS machines equipped with an off-center displaceable bending head have an increased range of parts that can be produced. The BMS can be supplied in two versions, either for bending from a coil or for bending cut-to-length rods from a magazine. The operating range for up to 4-meter-long rods allows the production of large components, such as wire frames for agricultural use or heating conductors from prefabricated material.

    In the conventional double-head bending machines of the BMS series, the bending heads operate synchronously on the same plane, which ensures a high output of symmetrical components. To achieve a similarly high output in the production of asymmetrical bent parts, WAFIOS has developed the CNC-controlled BT multi-head bending machine. The decisive feature of this series is the synchronous operation of the bending heads even with asymmetrical bent parts. However, with asymmetrical bent parts, often only one bending head is used, which can lead to a reduction of the production rates. In contrast to the BMS, the core feature of the BT series is bending heads that can work both synchronously and asynchronously, thus ensuring the highest production rates.