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The Future of Beauty Services: Trends to Watch

    • 3348 posts
    March 12, 2024 2:17 AM EDT

    The Future of Beauty Services: Trends to Watch
    The beauty industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. Here are some key trends shaping the future of beauty services.To get more news about 서울중구출장샵
    , you can visit our official website.

    Resilient Market Growth
    Despite global economic crises and a turbulent macroeconomic environment, the beauty market has proven to be resilient. In 2022, the beauty market—defined as skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare—generated approximately $40 billion in revenue. The market is expected to reach approximately $580 billion by 2027, growing by a projected 6 percent a year.

    Premiumization and Increased Spending
    The beauty market is expected to be characterized by “premiumization,” with the premium beauty tier projected to grow at an annual rate of 8 percent between 2022 and 2027. Consumers are trading up and increasing their spending, especially in fragrance and makeup.

    Omnichannel Shopping and E-commerce Growth
    Consumers are increasingly shopping across price points and report that both online and offline stores influence their shopping behavior. E-commerce in beauty nearly quadrupled between 205 and 2022, and its share now exceeds 20 percent. This growth is fueled by the expansion of beauty offerings from online giants, the increased digital sophistication from direct-to-consumer players, and the proliferation of social selling.

    Specialization and Advanced Procedures
    The post-pandemic beauty industry is characterized by a shift in customer preferences to specialized over generic. There is growth in advanced procedures, and we expect strong growth in more specialized offerings, such as luxury spas and salons, nonsurgical skin services, and specialized hair services.

    The Centrality of Customer Experiences
    The increased centrality of customer experiences is another important trend. Beauty service providers such as salon owners have the opportunity to diversify their revenue streams but will need to expand product sales, develop partnerships with brands and retailers to help expand their footprints, and upskill their employees.

    Shifts in the Labor Market
    Shifts in the labor market for beauty service professionals, such as hairstylists and aestheticians, are also noteworthy. Salon chains and traditional nail care experiences will likely recover more slowly due to an increase in both labor costs and the availability of at-home substitutes with near-professional results.