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PvP and Phase 2 of TBC Classic

    • 3359 posts
    July 28, 2021 1:22 AM EDT

    As is well known, an arena tournament for WoW: Burning Crusade Classic took place at the weekend. During the course of the tournament, PvP veteran and streamer Venruki had the opportunity to speak to lead producer Holly Longdale about upcoming PvP improvements and TBC Classic Phase 2. We have summarized the most important findings from the conversation for you.To get more news about buy wow gold safe, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    As is well known, there was one at the weekend Arena tournament for WoW: Burning Crusade Classic instead of. During the tournament, PvP veteran and streamer Venruki had the opportunity to speak to lead producer Holly Longdale about upcoming PvP improvements and TBC Classic Phase 2. We have already highlighted a highlight info for you in an extra news item: The Phase 2 features are due out on the public test server later this week land. Also included: two raids, two new quest hubs, the LFG tool and guild banks.

    But we can also expect some adjustments and improvements for the PvP area that go beyond what we were allowed to test out on the live servers in the last few days (Horde versus Horde on the battlefields, no raid registrations, alliance bonus). In the following, we have summarized the other findings from the conversation for you – this is the link to Record the stream.

    The original reference client from 2007 is available to Blizzard, but it was not simply used for the TBC Classic tournament servers. Instead, the developers recreated the original code from back then, making sure that the feel of the game is retained, even if not all of the mechanics from back then meet with approval from all players (keyword: tornadoes in the Nagrand Arena).
    On the live servers, however, the developers are now carefully monitoring whether this old feel of the game actually occurs, whether there are things that feel wrong or frustrating and whether there is a need for fine adjustments that can improve the overall feel of the game, but not endanger the TBC Classic authenticity. Player feedback is an important factor here.
    Whether there will be more TBC Classic Arena tournaments in the future depends only on the Esports team at Blizzard.
    With phase 2 of TBC Classic you should be able to view the rankings of the 5,000 best arena teams. In addition, you should be able to see at a glance who could qualify for the rewards at the end of the season – according to the current status.