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Back through the Dark Portal with World Of Warcraf

    • 3359 posts
    July 28, 2021 1:28 AM EDT

    Before I heard about World of Warcraft Classic, it had been nearly a decade since I left Azeroth behind, bogged down by work and choosing other priorities in my life other than grinding out another WoW toon. Mists of Pandaria had been out for more than six months and I had already maxed out a new Pandarian Monk after having maxed out a Worgen hunter and several other alts. Altogether, I was pretty drained from the experience.To get more news about buying wow gold, you can visit official website.

    I loved my Worgen main, don't get me wrong, but I came back to WoW in 2011, just after the release of Cataclysm. I had been a devoted WoW player in the heady Vanilla days of the world's most popular MMO, but life intervened in late 2005 and I left the game I loved before much of the best Vanilla content had even rolled out. My WoW experience had been fundamentally different than that of later players and even those who stuck it out through 16 years of evolution.

    So when I loaded up Cataclysm for the first time, it was the first time I had seen the game world that I remembered so fondly expanded in any real way, and the differences were profound – and not just because the game world itself had been transformed by Deathwing.
    Rather than spamming the LFG chat channel and catching a ride out to the Plaguelands to defy infected bears and skeletal mages on a long, dangerous run to the Scarlet Monastery (at least for a level 34 Night Elf Hunter, my Orc Shaman had an easier time of it), you could simply use the group finder and face roll into a group and be transported to the dungeon entrance.