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Latest World of Warcraft Update

    • 3359 posts
    September 22, 2021 10:02 PM EDT

    Twitch Streamer Asmongold Criticizes Latest World of Warcraft Update

    Activision Blizzard has been sued by the state of California for various reasons, including discrimination towards women. Recent changes to World of Warcraft reduce the objectification of women in-game, but Twitch streamer Asmongold has a critical take on the update.To get more news about wow gold pay pal, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    Popular Twitch streamer Asmongold recently went on the record to discuss a new update to World of Warcraft. This update included several changes for the game including new character options and better weather effects for the major cities of Orgrimmar for the Horde and Stormwind for the Alliance. Another major change to World of Warcraft in this update is major adjustments to old paintings and tapestries in the MMO.
    The World of Warcraft community swiftly noticed that the 9.1.5 patch notes referenced several HD graphics updates for paintings. In-game paintings that have been around since the original version of World of Warcraft released way back in 2004 have even been impacted by these changes. The changes were made in an effort to "tone down sexuality" in the game and were mostly targeted towards female characters.

    Hundreds of World of Warcraft players had already voiced their opinion on the retroactive changes to the MMO before Asmongold chimed in. The popular Twitch streamer thinks the changes are a joke and he believes that the message being sent with these changes is wrong. “There’s nothing wrong with cleavage or sexuality, but there is something wrong with pretending like there is.”

    One noticeable painting that was changed in the recent World of Warcraft update is one of a robed woman in Stormwind SI:7. Prior to the changes, the woman's robe was low-cut, but the changes went above and beyond simply covering the female character up. After the changes, the robed woman had a less distinguishable face and her hair had also been altered.

    Asmongold stated that there's something particularly wrong with the World of Warcraft developers retroactively change content because it conflicts with the Activision Blizzard of today. The Twitch streamer believes that these changes have something to do with a new message that Activision Blizzard is trying to promote, perhaps as a result of the ongoing lawsuit. Asmongold also called the changes "stupid and reductive."

    One of the popular clips that have circulated since the lawsuit between Activision Blizzard and California comes from a BlizzCon event from several years ago. During the clip, a female fan asked the World of Warcraft developers if more female characters in the game would be based on catalogs beyond Victoria's Secret. While the developers dismissed this fan at the time, it appears as if the World of Warcraft team of today agrees with her message.