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How to Build a Streaming Mobile App for Android and iOS

    • 3359 posts
    September 23, 2021 2:14 AM EDT

    How to Build a Streaming Mobile App for Android and iOS

    Imagine you found a 15-minute video on YouTube explaining how to create a live streaming app. What are the chances of you reading this blog vs. watching the YouTube clip on the subject? I mean, I’d be the first in line to check it out.To get more news about moonlive, you can visit official website.

    Watching seems to mesmerize us every time, whether we watch to learn, entertain, or communicate. That’s because video is powerful. So no wonder in 2021, we witness an explosive growth of live streaming businesses.

    If you’re looking to harness the power of video by building a live streaming app, this blog is a great place to start your research.
    My best guess is if you plan to create your own streaming app, you’ve already pierced through the hype and discovered some serious numbers:

    the pandemic has increased the U.S. online video streaming audience by over 30%
    the global market size is projected to double or triple by 2027, tipping at $843 billion
    70% of people would prefer video to other types of content
    So instead of wowing at this growth, let’s discuss the biggest challenge you’re going to face when you start a live streaming application — choosing a streaming service.

    The chances are you don’t plan to spend a multi-million dollar budget building a scalable video hosting and broadcasting infrastructure. That’s a huge headache in terms of server software development and because you will need racks of servers (read lots of hardware) and a place to keep them.

    It’s a much safer bet to pick an existing service and build a streaming app on top of it. And there’s plenty to choose from. There are literally hundreds of commercial and open-source streaming engines out there. Therefore, your CTO or development partner will need to do the heavy lifting to choose the most suitable option.

    We’ll talk about the criteria for selecting the most optimal variant a bit later, but for now, let’s review the most popular services available on the market.
    You’re highly likely to end up with one of these, depending on the specific requirements of your application. These solutions come with mobile and web developer tools that you can utilize to integrate streaming capabilities into your application.

    As already mentioned, I’ll provide some recommendations for selecting a provider later when we discuss the steps to create a live streaming app. In the meantime, let’s look at what types of live video apps exist out there.