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World Of Warcraft And Building Shadowlands

    • 3359 posts
    November 20, 2021 12:47 AM EST

    World Of Warcraft And Building Shadowlands

    World of Warcraft has been on the scene for sixteen years now, exploring all aspects of Azeroth. But Blizzard is not resting there and are constantly looking for new ways to expand the world and add new features that make the game more exciting year by year. The latest expansion, Shadowlands, is just another example of how these updates change the face of the game, expanding on what long-time players love, while giving enough for new players to jump in and enjoy.To get more news about buy wow gold paypal, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    Now that the latest update is live, CGMagazine got the chance to talk to lead game designer Jeremy Feasel, along with executive producer John Hight. From the new ways the game will be giving new visuals and areas to explore, to the return of class sets, World of Warcraft is an exciting world to explore, and the minds behind the game have countless more stories to tell.

    CGMagazine: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has really been a big step forward for the franchise and MMOs in general. But how do you hope to keep up that pace of bringing new and exciting things to the game when you keep stepping up what is possible in the universe? Do you ever feel that you have reached the pinnacle of what can be brought to WOW, or do you have to scale it back to give a smaller experience?
    John Hight: Glad that you described it as a universe because that’s exactly the way we look at the World of Warcraft universe. If you fall at Chronicles, there’s a lot defined there for us and a lot of places for us to go. But then, beyond that, it is almost limitless in terms of the stories that we can tell and whether we take big epic bold adventures into the afterlife as we did with Shadowlands. Or we tell a more poignant tale of conflict between the Horde and Alliance or even individual heroes. I think it’s almost boundless in terms of what we’re able to do. Jeremy oversees a lot of our content development, so pretty sure you’ll hear from him as a developer on how he views it.

    Jeremy Feasel: The great thing about the World of Warcraft lore and universe is there’s so many mysteries still to explore, so many things still unexplained. And I think one of the funnest parts of our jobs as developers is setting up brand-new mysteries too. That was one of the coolest parts of going to the Shadowlands and realizing there’s this entire other plane of existence. There’s this whole other group of Titanic level creatures, there was a whole group of creatures called the First Ones, the progenitors that oversaw them and created them. And we’re gonna be able to see some of their grand cosmic architecture when we head down to Zereth Mortis in Eternity’s End here. And I think one of the great things that that brings up is, there are still tons of other mysteries to explore even in the Shadowlands itself. There are all these other afterlives that we’ve never been to that we can always go back to. So, it’s sort of like trying to constantly open more books, even as we close some to make sure that there are always fun spaces to explore.