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‘New World’: Five things you need to know before getting started

    • 3359 posts
    December 14, 2021 9:51 PM EST

    new World is Amazon’s attempt to shake up the MMO world, and it’s currently doing so by offering a very different experience to the likes of World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14. While long queues might be slowing players down a bit with progression, there are plenty of reasons to keep trying. New World offers deeper combat and a more useful crafting system than many of its competitors, so even if you are used to playing MMOs, you might find the change of pace a bit overwhelming at first.To get more news about buy new world coins, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
    To make sure you start off on the right foot (and to give you some reading material while you wait in the queue), we’ve put together this essential list of beginner’s tips to ensure you are prepared for your life within New World. Aimed squarely at getting you up to scratch as early as possible, you will soon know how to tackle the early stages of the game to the best of your ability.

    New World‘s combat system is much more like an action RPG than a regular MMO. The game’s opening tutorial introduces the basics but there’s far more to it than that. A left mouse click performs a light attack while holding it performs a heavy attack but blocking and dodging are crucial to your chances of survival. Shift helps you dodge out of the way while the right mouse button makes you block. Simple, right? Kind of.

    When up against multiple enemies or fast striking ones, you need to block more than dodge so that you use less stamina and can withstand a longer fight. Dodging is best when up against a foe that strikes slowly but heavily. It’s vital that you learn the differences as quickly as possible otherwise your health is going to be drained very fast.

    In addition, it’s possible to chain together attacks once you understand the recovery times between each blow. Practice makes perfect here and the recovery times vary depending on the weapons you use. Switching between weapons can help you out here too. It’s a good idea to pick two weapons and stick with them so that you can level up your weapon mastery quickly as well as learn how to use them most efficiently.

    Combat ties in heavily to the classless nature of New World so think about the character you wish to create. A tank-based character with plenty of points in strength and constitution will fare better with a massive axe or warhammer, for instance, while a dexterity-focused character should favour a rapier.

    Food and potions are incredibly important to your survival chances. You can add them to your quickslots (3, 4, 5 and 6) so that they are always easy to use.

    Different food or rations offer you different buffs with some simply healing you while others offer up stat benefits too. Each of them require different ingredients though and the best ones are not always easy to come by. Skin and butcher animals as often as possible on your adventures. Besides boosting your skinning profession and gaining you some experience, you also gain meat which can then be turned into meals at a camping spot or food table. It’s always a good idea to stock up on some provisions before you head off to complete a few quests.

    Camps serve as respawn points as well as a place to rest up and regain health so it’s useful to have resources at the ready to create your own camp. Camping only requires five green woods and one flint starting out and unlocks at level 5. From there, new tiers unlock at level 15, level 25, level 40 and level 55. It’s a great way of being more self-sufficient when you’re on the open road.