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3 Best Motorcycle News Stories of the Week

    • 3359 posts
    January 17, 2022 11:22 PM EST

    3 Best Motorcycle News Stories of the Week

    I write daily motorcycle news at Web Bike World, and at the end of the week, I like to do a roundup of the most important motorcycle news stories here at Wind Burned Eyes.To get more news about buy electric motorcycle, you can visit official website.

    This week it has all been about electric motorcycles and scooters in part due to the Consumer Electronics Show.I had a chance to interview Jay Giraud, the CEO of Damon. We chatted about his new motorcycle and all that makes it special. If you want to learn more about this innovative electric bike (and you should because it’s 200 mph, 200-mile range, and 200 hp is awesome) then click the link below.

    Electric scooters are very interesting to me. Most of my riding is short trips in urban environments and an electric scooter would be perfect for me. Gogoro is a Taiwanese company and they’re killing it right now. The company’s sales more than doubled in 2019.

    It’s a low range commuter motorcycle that’s electric and should be priced very affordably. There’s potential for this bike to make waves in the motorcycle industry. It can do 100 mph, 80 miles per charge, and has detachable batteries. All good things.