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How do I handle LED strip lighting wire management

    • 3359 posts
    January 22, 2022 12:28 AM EST

    How do I handle LED strip lighting wire management

    EDIT: most important point can't believe I forgot to mention, I'm planning on having the LED strip go across so that both desks have the LED lighting. Even if I cut the LED light strip, I'll still have to run power cables to it to connect it to the controller.Get more news about Stationalry Led Pis,you can vist our website!

    Forgive the hanging wires, I wanted to first tackle the LED management as it should be the most challenging. You can see I have an L ledge on the standing desk that hides my UPS and most of the wires. It's not there but I have a SFF that will sit behind one of the monitors, so basic cable management will be relatively simple as everything other than the power cable will be more or less attached to the desk.

    Right now my instincts tell me I can use a wall pass through box (correct my improper terminology please) and then find a way so that when the desk is lowered it feeds the slack from the LED cables into the wall. As long as this pass through box is set at the correct height one of the monitors should cover it when the desk is at the lowered (stowed) position.

    But rather than reinvent the wheel, I know I can't be the only person who's wanted to do something like this so I figured I would check here for an solution first.

    Incidentally, does somebody have an example of how to manage slack and guide the wires to a certain direction when the slack begins to build.