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    • 3359 posts
    January 22, 2022 12:51 AM EST


    I’m so excited to share today’s recipe – Bulgogi rice burger ! It is one of the signature fast food Korean dishes and some of you requested this recipe a while ago.Get more news about Rice Burger Forming,you can vist our website!

    I can’t even remember when was the first time I had a Bulgogi rice burger. It feels like at least 10 years or so ago in a small corner of Lotteria (a Korean fast food chain equivalent to McDonalds in Korea). I ordered it because it was a new line of burger that just got introduced and I was naturally intrigued by the buns made with rice! Who wouldn’t be, right?!

    In my faint memory, my experience was so so. Everything felt so artificial and frankly I couldn’t get used to the “rice bun thing”.

    Fast forward to the present, look at me! I’m making Bulgogi rice burgers in my own home! And it feels real and tastes real! It was really good. I mean seriously good! I made this 8 times since last Monday! Well, it was partly because I was testing my recipe but nonetheless, it is an easy meal to prepare once you get the hang of making the rice bun without making it fall apart.