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    • 3359 posts
    February 21, 2022 12:42 AM EST


    Chicken is the No. 1 protein consumed in the United States. Americans consume more chicken than anyone else in the world – about 93 pounds per capita annually. Americans also consume 95 million dozen eggs per year.Around 18% of poultry meat is exported, making the U.S. the second-largest exporting country in the world.Get more news about Poultry Farms,you can vist our website!

    According to the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, the combined value of production from broilers, eggs, turkeys, and the value of sales from chickens in 2018 was $46.3 billion.The National Chicken Council says 95% of broiler chickens are raised by about 25,000 family farmers contracted with around 30 companies.

    Poultry is raised in all 50 states, with Alabama and Arkansas leading the way in production of broilers (chickens raised for meat). Iowa leads in egg production. North Carolina and Minnesota lead in turkey production.Flocks range from large commercial operations to backyard flocks. Even single birds are kept as pets and show birds. Pathogen-free eggs are raised for medical purposes. Turkeys are a Thanksgiving staple.

    According to the 2010 Assessment of the Environmental Impact of the U.S. Egg Industry, compiled by Iowa State University, the environmental footprint of one dozen eggs has been reduced by up to 71% over the last 50 years. Researchers credit increased crop yields, better equipment and production processes, genetic improvements, and nutritional advancements.Though some turkeys in today’s market are billed as “vegetarian fed” turkeys are not, by nature, vegetarians. Raised in the wild, they eat bugs and worms in addition to vegetation.

    Like other livestock operations, turkey farms rely on a nutritionist to ensure adequate diet – a diet that will change as many as 10 times over the life of the bird.Also like other forms of livestock, antibiotic use requires oversight by a veterinarian, and it is illegal to give any type of poultry hormones or steroids.Chicken farms that raise broilers have worked to improve their image by increasing transparency.

    In Kentucky, Hayden Farms offers a public viewing room, where guests can watch the chickens through glass, as well as a view of the technology in the control room, and an education facility. The Kentucky Corn Growers Association and Kentucky Soybean Association helped with the effort.Housing at commercial chicken farms has seen much scrutiny in recent years. Various options for meat birds or layers have pros and cons.

    Conventional housing systems are most common and consist of solid metal or mesh poultry cages with a sloped floor that house 3 to 8 birds. Water is provided through an overhead system, and feed is offered in a trough along the front of the cage. They may be stacked or spread across the floor, depending on available space.

    Conventional systems work well for broiler production, where supplying adequate feed for growth is the primary concern. In a layer cage, there are holes for the eggs to drop.If you are breeding chickens, you will want parent stock cages that allow mating and where minimal egg breakage is of primary concern. Breeding systems also include rearing cages that allow for chick growth.

    For those looking at raising chickens in backyard chicken coops, there are endless options. Some add perches, lighting, windows, even green roofs of drought-resistant plants that keep the coop cool in summer. Predator protection is likely a prime concern.