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How to Watch the World of Warcraft's

    • 1735 posts
    April 20, 2022 9:14 PM EDT

    How to Watch the World of Warcraft's new expansion reveal stream

    During its annual BlizzCon meeting, the developer announces these kinds of plans, but due to the complications experienced by the COVID-19 epidemic over the past few years, Blizzard has slightly altered its approach.To get more news about Buy WoW Dragonflight Gold, you can visit official website.

    The next expansion will be released every two years, and as Shadowlands falls in late 2020, one may expect the first expansion to be completed later this year.

    While doing the most recent Race to World First, Blizzard announced that it would expand Shadowlands to a fourth mythic keystone season, including some repurposed dungeons. The announcement suggests that the developer might prolong the release of the next expansion.

    Tomorrow, a stream at 11am CT will highlight the themes and the purpose of the expansion. Both YouTube and Twitch will stream the stream.
    The amount of innovation and creativity you have for your class really means a lot. So we said, “We’ll keep an eye on what’s good and then Blizzard can at any point shift the balance and change our minds about it.” You don’t know which classes will be affected and disturbed. So it’s about keeping the options open, but also making sure you have enough coverage among all your players to have coverage for any owners.