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WoW Classic TBC Phase 4 Release Date & Preparation Guide

    • 1735 posts
    April 27, 2022 8:18 PM EDT

    WoW Classic TBC Phase 4 Release Date & Preparation Guide

    The newest announcement of the TBC Classic Phase 4 release date just dropped, we also got updates of the game content and the new raid The Gods of Zul’Aman coming with the upcoming phase. How to prepare for Phase 4? Now, let’s look into the WoW Classic TBC Phase 4 release date and preparation guide. To get more news about Buy World of Warcraft Gold WLK, you can visit official website.

    The first thing is if you've been considering rolling an alt coming back to the game or even just trying to gear up on the main a little bit more, this is the patch to do it in. In WoW TBC Classic Phase 4, there will be a massive amount of Pokeball content, which will give rewards that are in many cases much better than anything you can find from 25 man raid. If you don't have the time to commit to a full raid schedule, the 10-man content should see a big jump in popularity and you could be gearing a character up ready for Wrath of the Lich King or just trying to play something else for a little bit.

    Zul'Aman is the only raid of Phase 4, which is located in the southeastern portion of the Ghostlands. There are four tiers of rewards in total depending on how fast you complete the Raid. The first three are all randomized elite and the final reward being the Amani War Bear, which is one of the most prestigious mounts, also has a simple quest handing item, which ends up rewarding 10 Badges of Justice and some WoW TBC gold is non-repeatable. There is a decent amount of notable gear from Zul'Aman, mainly the trinkets are pretty much upgrades for all DPS classes, those being Hex Shrunken Head from Hex Lord Malacrass and the Berserker’s Call from Zorjin.
    2. Save your badges

    The basic recommendation at this point is to not spend any badges on pretty much anything until Phase 4 has been released, there would be better options for you to use them when it is out. The badge vendor in Shattrath now sells Primal Nether and Nether Vortex, both of these are now tradable, which makes getting those professional items that need these much easier. Their prices are probably to go down fast after the Patch drops since the supply from players being able to buy them with excess badges will be greater than what people need them for. So making things more accessible will always drive the prices down in both.
    Another update is that all bosses in Zul'Aman, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair can now drop Badges of Justice, giving you more opportunities to farm this currency. You will either need somebody with the key to open the front door or a rogue with high enough lock picking skill. Zul'Aman is on a three-day lockout, this on top of the Heroic Dungeon content as well as the daily Heroic means there are suddenly more ways than ever to get items and start getting upgrades.
    3. Progression item

    If you have been thinking about playing the Patch, there are also one or two profession item changes in the game. The Dragonmaw from Blacksmithing is now a one-handed Mace, meaning that they can be dual-wieldedand the Nether to make them can be bought, so they’ll be a very strong gearing option. The Greater Drums of Battle recipe will be made available, so they’ll have an extended cast range, you don’t have to worry about stacking up and Druids can use them in shapeshift. And the Executioner Enchant will start dropping in Zul'Aman, more of a PVP thing, but still, something to think about when the patch is out and that is pretty much phase 4.