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Robots are changing the way we think about the hospitality

    • 3359 posts
    August 10, 2022 10:46 PM EDT

    Robots are changing the way we think about the hospitality industry

    Technology becomes more and more a part of our daily lives every year. Whether it's ever-improving smartphones or self-driving cars.To get more news about Robots on Demand, you can visit official website.

    One company is working to make technology — specifically robots — a bigger part of the industry Las Vegas relies on most: hospitality.

    Meet Adam, an entertaining robotic bartender and barista being developed at Richtech Robotics in Las Vegas. At the present time, Adam can perform tasks like creating the perfect cappuccino.

    Another Adam is being taught — or programmed — how to pour craft beer.

    The hope going forward, Richtech says, is that artificial intelligent cameras will transform Adam from repeating sequences to adapting to its environment.

    "It would be able to detect faces so that it can take orders vocally," Timothy Tanksley, an assistant tech manager at Richtech, said. "Right now, all of our orders are processed on a tablet, but eventually, the customers will be able to talk with adam and put in the order there."

    While Adam may have been one of the stars of the show at the recent Bar and Restaurant Expo in March, Richtech says it already has thousands of customers worldwide using the services of other types of robots, such as Maitre D' to deliver drinks and meals to tables, the U-V Guardian, which is used to disinfect rooms, Richie, the tuxedo-clad hotel delivery robot for room service, and Dust-E, which vacuums, mops and disinfects floors.

    Each robot uses technology like AI cameras and lidar to perform each task, and even to stop to avoid colliding with anything that might cross its path.

    "Service and entertainment is really the driving factor for why robotics will be adopted so quickly," Richtech executive KC McCreery said.