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Is OmegaPro Legit Or A Scam?

    • 3359 posts
    September 9, 2022 12:55 AM EDT

    Our intelligence team caught wind of a new investment platform making the rounds called OmegaPro. They have been actively holding seminars in different parts of the country and claim to have a host of trading instruments (such as forex and cryptocurrency) in which investors can trade on and get a profit.To get more news about omegapro, you can visit official website.
    This sort of referral system is often used by Ponzi schemes. This is the first red flag we noticed, and without a financial report, it is hard to figure out if they make money from trading or from getting more people to join the platform.

    At the bottom of their website, OmegaPro states its address is “Griffith Corporate Centre Kingstown St. Vincent And the Grenadines”Doing a search for “OmegaPro Ltd” on opencorporates returned three companies, with none of the companies bearing the address listed on its website. Two of the companies were based in the UK and one in Belize, a country categorized by the US State Department as a Country/Jurisdiction of Primary Concern in respect of Money Laundering and Financial Crimes.
    A google search for the address “71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom” revealed that it is the current location of 1st formations which is a company that provides registration services for new limited companies online for clients from the UK and overseas. They also provide address services as stated on their website:

    Notice that there is nothing among the above-listed activities which includes running a crypto, forex, or commodity investment platform. So, we have a company that is registered by a formation agent with no physical office and operating an illegal investment scheme, this should be enough to set the alarm bells ringing.

    Also, several foreign financial regulators have flagged OmegaPro. The Spanish regulator CNMV published a warning about Omegapro, saying it is not authorized to provide investment services. The French financial regulator AMF has blacklisted it and the Belgian financial regulator FSMA has strongly advised its citizens against responding to any offers of financial services from OmegaPro.

    Moving on, we noticed that on the OmegaPro website there is a link to an e-money firm called OMP Money Ltd which it claims to be in partnership with. The firm is registered in the UK and can distribute or redeem electronic money (e-money) and provide certain payment services on behalf of an e-money institution.
    OMP Money Ltd operating address is listed as “No.1 Royal Exchange London EC3V 3DG UNITED KINGDOM.” Looking up this address on google we found that 466 other companies are listed as using the same address, which means this is a virtual office.

    Putting it all together, OmegaPro Ltd is not licensed to carry out the activities it is currently handling, tries to hide that it is operating from a virtual office, several regulatory financial institutions have issued a warning about it, and it is linked to people who have been involved in failed crypto multi-level marketing schemes. We recommend that you do not get involved with this company or any of its affiliates.